Food For Dogs offers different
solutions to dog friendly businesses
to make sure the vacation or leisure experience,
is pleasant and enjoyable for both,
the owner and the dog. -
A practical, healthy and delicious
doggy lunch box to feed the dog outside the home.
A line of room arrangements
designed for hotels and B&B that
host customers with their dog. -
To make the concept
of pet-hospitality concrete
we have created glamorous
and elegant designed products,
easily washable and customizable
and as sustainable as possible.
About us
To be truly welcoming, hospitality must include everyone. Men, women, children, and... 4 legs companions.
Food For Dogs was born from our love for dogs, from needs we know well, and from our passion for quality and beauty.
We have created a line of sustainable and glamorous products because we are sure that professional and widespread Pet hospitality should allow a better and easier coexistence between dog and man. In addition, pet-friendly tourist facilities have the opportunity to stand out from competitors, offer new and exclusive services with a positive impact on their revenues, and amaze and retain an increasingly numerous and demanding customer target.
Dogs, more and more often, share holidays and trips with their owners and keep them company during dinners, aperitifs, and in all leisure situations. They are nowadays fully part of the “family”.
The doggy lunch boxes, room equipment, and courtesy kits are designed to meet the needs of the accommodation facilities, as well as of the guests, and allow the host to provide a unique and complete service and the traveler to think of nothing but having fun with his four-legged friend.
Browse our catalog and choose products for a pet-friendly and personalized welcome!
We realized that TOGETHER IS PERFECT and we would like it to be this way for everyone!
Some of our Partners